It seemed impossible to make an appealing show about bulimia. I mean, it's my story, and even I don't wanna watch that. Plus, everybody told me not to - I like a challenge.
Jessie KahnweilerDo not take the creative process personally. At every stage, you are going to feel like it's all falling apart, like the golden egg of truth in your brain is not manifesting on the page or on set or in the edit. But that panic, that loss, that pain - that is the process of creation. Let it hurt, drink some coffee and keep going.
Jessie KahnweilerI want them [people] to feel open and comfortable to share the messy, dirty, shameful parts of themselves. Those are the parts I wanna see. And that eating disorders aren't just about "being thin."
Jessie KahnweilerBut being honest in my work and life has kind of set me free. I'm so much more than my pain. Oh my god, I sound like my therapist! Call her, she can vouch that I'm doing great.
Jessie KahnweilerTrying to tell an authentic, raw and honest story without making it therapy. Separating myself enough to have perspective while putting myself in the emotional hot seat so that I could make this thing real. Asking for help. Delegating responsibility. Standing up for myself. Fighting the impulse to be sweet and likeable 24/7. Being open to all ideas, but staying true to the spine of the story. Knowing when to let go and when to hold on and fight like hell. Getting out of my own way. Shall I go on?
Jessie Kahnweiler