When you once see something as false which you have accepted as true, as natural, as human, then you can never go back to it.
Jiddu KrishnamurtiAll life is a movement in relationship. There is no living thing on earth which is not related to something or other.
Jiddu KrishnamurtiI do not know if you have ever noticed that the more you struggle to understand, the less you understand any problem. But, the moment you cease to struggle and let the problem tell you the whole story, give all its significance - then there is understanding, which means, obviously, that to understand, the mind must be quiet.
Jiddu KrishnamurtiFear is the destructive energy in man. It withers the mind, it distorts thought, it leads to all kinds of extraordinarily clever and subtle theories, absurd superstitions, dogmas, and beliefs.
Jiddu KrishnamurtiLive with it. You live with pleasure, don't you? Why don't you live with suffering completely? Can you live with it in the sense of not escaping from it? What takes place? Watch. The mind is very clear, sharp. It is faced with the fact. The very suffering transformed into passion is enormous. From that arises a mind that can never be hurt. Full stop. That is the secret.
Jiddu Krishnamurti