Lady Placida smiled. “History seldom takes note of serendipity when it records events. And from what I have heard, I suspect an argument could be made that you very much did earn the title.” “Many women have earned titles, Your Grace. It doesn't seem to have been a factor in whether or not they actually received them.” Lady Placida laughed. “True enough. But perhaps that is beginning to change.” She offered her hands. “It is a distinct pleasure to meet you, Steadholder.
Jim ButcherDresden. Am I interrupting something?" "Well, I was going to settle down with a porn video and a bottle of baby oil, but I really don't have enough for two.
Jim ButcherThere should be a rule against your own inner monologue throwing around that much sarcasm.
Jim ButcherAll of those faeries and duels and mad queens and so on, and no one quoted old Billy Shakespeare. Not even once.
Jim Butcher