Words have consequences, and I judge people not only by their words but what they do. And if you look at people who have a pattern, who've built a career out of dividing people and who built a career out of often not just Obama but finding ways to degrade and diminish African-Americans and African-American leaders. It's racist to consistently make your living on the backs of black people.
Joan Walsh AnglundBetween loving friends there need be no secrets . . . the trusting heart is always safe with another who truly cares.
Joan Walsh AnglundChris Christie was going to save the party from a figure like [Donald] Trump. He was going to save the party. That didn`t happen. And now, he`s with Trump.
Joan Walsh AnglundThese two guys [Donald Trump and Chris Christie] kinds find each other. They love each other. They were playing let`s spend the night together when I turned the TV in the hotel today. I was like oh, my goodness.But it`s like the worst buddy movie. They degrade women. They steal candy from orphans. They mock the disabled. They pick on teachers. It`s frightening to watch.
Joan Walsh Anglund