... chastity is not given once and for all like a wedding ring that is put on never to be taken off, but is a garden which each day must be weeded, watered, and trimmed anew, or soon there will be only brambles and wilderness.
Joanna RussThe trouble with men is that they have limited minds. That's the trouble with women, too.
Joanna Russ[T]here is one and only one way to possess that in which we are defective, therefore that which we need, therefore that which we want. Become it.
Joanna RussWhen one culture has the big guns and the other has none, there is a certain predictablity about the outcome.
Joanna RussAnyway everyboy (sorry) knows that what women have done that is really important is not to constitute a great, cheap labor force that you can zip in when you're at war and zip out again afterwards but to Be Mothers, to form the coming generation, to give birth to them, to nurse them, to mop floors for them, to love them, cook for them, clean for them, change their diapers, pick up after them, and mainly sacrifice themselves for them. This is the most important job in the world. That's why they don't pay you for it.
Joanna Russ