No child really chooses his religion; it is just the luck of the draw which blanket of beliefs you are wrapped in.
Jodi PicoultI don't base my books on my life (thank goodness) and I don't pick the topic first. In fact, the topic picks me - via a question I can't answer as a mom, a wife, a woman, an American. I find myself wondering "What if..." and it blossoms into a whole novel.
Jodi PicoultI have no idea what Andrew might have done, and I do not ask. She believes that I can fix this, and like always, that's enough to make me think that I can. "I'll take care of it,: I say, when what I really mean is: I'll take care of you.
Jodi PicoultLike the teens I worked with, I understood the need for miracles--they kept reality from paralyzing you
Jodi Picoult