As an actor, I'm attracted to drama; as a director, it's humor - because it's the story of my life, and I can't be that serious about it. Being alone is a big theme in all my movies, both as a director and as an actress.
Jodie Foster'Taxi Driver' was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I didn't become a weirdo and squawk like a chicken.
Jodie FosterI spent a lot of time not in school, so I didn't have deep relationships with kids my own age.
Jodie FosterThere is nothing more beautiful than finding your course as you believe you bob aimlessly in the current. And wouldn't you know that your path was there all along, waiting for you to knock, waiting for you to become. This path does not belong to your parents, your teachers, your leaders, or your lovers. Your path is your character defining itself more and more every day.
Jodie Foster