A lot of Pacific island nations are sinking below sea level; they could easily transition slowly into becoming floating nations.
Joe QuirkI'm a novelist and science writer. I wrote a book about human impacts on marine mammals caused by agricultural drainage of nutrients on our coasts, and another book about evolution. Seasteading captivated me because it incorporates both evolution and environmental restoration.
Joe QuirkOil platforms are a technology for floating permanently on the high seas, and cruise ships are a technology for self-governance on the high seas, and if you combine these two technologies, imagine cruise ships that never dock but float permanently. Imagine if they were 10 times as big. Imagine if they were modular and could move about and you could choose the neighbours you wanted to live with.
Joe QuirkOnce you provide people with a platform to start their own country, every conceivable type of innovator reaches out to you with their own idea.
Joe Quirk