Satriani's Law: There's at least a 30% chance that someone will print the name Satriani incorrectly
Joe SatrianiI assume most guitar players are like me. They're playing, having fun; then they get a magazine in the mail that says "Shred Is Dead" and they say, "What the Hell?" They throw it away and keep on playing.
Joe SatrianiWhen you hear an instrumental song someone is singing over, you know right away it's wrong.
Joe SatrianiI started out playing guitar because Jimi Hendrix was my hero, so my roots were really based on Jimi Hendrix and his style of playing.
Joe SatrianiWhen these guitar mags bring up that stuff up and say such and such came up with this and that which is pushing the boundaries, I just say, "let's step back for a minute and admit something: nothing has happened for the last 100 years." And it's okay. It's not a bad thing ... We're all working with "tools" that have been in existence for the last 100 years and there hadn't been a new "tool" for a long long time.
Joe Satriani