The art of watching has become mere skill at rapid apperception and understanding of continuously changing visual images. The younger generation has acquired this cinematic perception to an amazing degree.
Johan HuizingaHistory can predict nothing except that great changes in human relationships will never come about in the form in which they have been anticipated.
Johan HuizingaSystematic philosophical and practical anti-intellectualism such as we are witnessing appears to be something truly novel in the history of human culture.
Johan HuizingaA superstition which pretends to be scientific creates a much greater confusion of thought than one which contents itself with simple popular practices.
Johan HuizingaWe are living in a demented world. And we know it. It would not come as a surprise to anyone if tomorrow the madness gave way to afrenzy which would leave our poor Europe in a state of distracted stupor, with engines still turning and flags streaming in the breeze, but with the spirit gone.
Johan Huizinga