It is a hard but good law of fate, that as every evil, so every excessive power, wears itself out.
Johann Gottfried HerderAs the shadow in early morning, is friendship with the wicked; it dwindles hour by hour. But friendship with the good increases, like the evening shadows, till the sun of life sets.
Johann Gottfried HerderEach nationality contains its centre of happiness within itself, as a bullet the centre of gravity.
Johann Gottfried HerderIt is easier to make a lady of a peasant-girl than a peasant-girl of a lady.
Johann Gottfried HerderThe friend who holds up before me the mirror, conceals not my smallest faults, warns me kindly, reproves me affectionately, when I have not performed my duty, he is my friend, however little he may appear so. But if a man praises and lauds me, never reproves me, overlooks my faults, and forgives them before I have repented, he is my enemy, however much he may appear my friend.
Johann Gottfried Herder