Many very intelligent agreeable persons have warts on the forehead, not brown, nor very large, between the eyebrows, which have nothing in them offensive or disgusting. - But a large brown wart on the upper lip, especially when it is bristly, will be found in no person who is not defective in something essential, or at least remarkable for some conspicuous failing.
Johann Kaspar LavaterSuperstition always inspires littleness, religion grandeur of mind; the superstitious raises beings inferior to himself to deities.
Johann Kaspar LavaterNothing is so pregnant as cruelty; so multifarious, so rapid, so ever teeming a mother is unknown to the animal kingdom; each of her experiments provokes another and refines upon the last; though always progressive, yet always remote from the end.
Johann Kaspar LavaterDepend on no man, on no friend but him who can depend on himself. He only who acts conscientiously toward himself, will act so toward others.
Johann Kaspar Lavater