So, lively brisk old fellow, don't let age get you down. White hairs or not, you can still be a lover.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEvery day I observe more and more the folly of judging of others by ourselves; and I have so much trouble with myself, and my own heart is in such constant agitation, that I am well content to let others pursue their own course, if they only allow me the same privilege.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWhoever strikes at marriage either by word or act undermines the foundation of all moral society.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTrue observers of nature, although they may think differently, will still agree that everything that is, everything that is observable as a phenomenon, can only exhibit itself in one of two ways. It is either a primal polarity that is able to unify, or it is a primal unity that is able to divide. The operation of nature consists of splitting the united or uniting the divided; this is the eternal movement of systole and diastole of the heartbeat, the inhalation and exhalation of the world in which we live, act, and exist.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe