The thinking person has the strange characteristic to like to create a fantasy in the place of the unsolved problem, a fantasy that stays with the person even when the problem has been solved and truth made its appearance.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAt bottom, no real object is unpoetical, if the poet knows how to use it properly.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe bad thing is that thinking about thought doesn't help at all; one has to have it from nature so that the good ideas appear before us like free children of God calling to us: Here we are.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAnalysis and synthesis are both as necessary to the thinking spirit as inspiration and expiration to the organism.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIs it not enough that we cannot make one another happy, must we also rob one another of the pleasures that any heart may permit itself now and then? And name me a person who in a bad mood will be decent enough to hide it, to bear it alone, without destroying the joy around him. Is it not rather an inner dissatisfaction with our own unworthiness, a dislike of ourselves that is always associated with envy aggravated by foolish conceit? We see people happy and not made happy by us, and that is unbearable.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe