If society gives up the right to impose the death penalty, then self-help will appear again and personal vendettas will be around the corner.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe web of this world is woven of Necessity and Chance. Woe to him who has accustomed himself from his youth up to find something necessary in what is capricious, and who would ascribe something like reason to Chance and make a religion of surrendering to it.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe child, offered the mother's breast, Will not in the beginning grab it; But soon it clings to it with zest. And thus at wisdom's copious breasts You'll drink each day with greater zest.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIt is belief in the Bible, the fruits of deep meditation, which has served me as the guide of my moral and literary life. I have found capital safely invested and richly productive of interest, although I have sometimes made but a bad use of it.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEverything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDie Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen. Spricht man zu ihnen, so รผbersetzen sie alles in ihre eigene Sprache, und so wird es alsobald etwas ganz anderes. Mathematicians are a kind of Frenchmen. Whenever you say anything or talk to them, they translate it into their own language, and right away it is something completely different.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe