None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWe blame equally him who is too proud to put a proper value on his own merit and him who prizes too highly his spurious worth.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe affairs of the world are no more than so much trickery, and a man who toils for money or honour or whatever else in deference to the wishes of others, rather than because his own desire or needs lead him to do so, will always be a fool.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWhatever we may say against collections, which present authors in a disjointed form, they nevertheless bring about many excellent results. We are not always so composed, so full of wisdom, that we are able to take in at once the whole scope of a work according to its merits. Do we not mark in a book passages which seem to have a direct reference to ourselves? Young people especially, who have failed in acquiring a complete cultivation of mind, are roused in a praiseworthy way by brilliant passages.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe