Happy contractedness of youth, nay, of mankind in general, that they think neither of the high nor the deep, of the true nor the false, but only of what is suited to their own conceptions.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEverything in science depends on what one calls an aperรงu, on becoming aware of what is at the bottom of the phenomena. Such becoming aware is infinitely fertile.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe web of this world is woven of Necessity and Chance. Woe to him who has accustomed himself from his youth up to find something necessary in what is capricious, and who would ascribe something like reason to Chance and make a religion of surrendering to it.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheRejoice that you have still have a long time to live, before the thought comes to you that there is nothing more in the world to see.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe