Taste is only to be educated by contemplation, not of the tolerably good but of the truly excellent. I therefore show you only the best works; and when you are grounded in these, you will have a standard for the rest, which you will know how to value, without overrating them.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe clever reader who is capable or reading between these lines what does not stand written in them but is nevertheless implied will be able to form some conception.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere are people who make no mistakes because they never wish to do anything worth doing.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheChildren, like dogs, have so sharp and fine a scent that they detect and hunt out everything--the bad before all the rest. They also know well enough how this or that friend stands with their parents; and as they practice no dissimulation whatever, they serve as excellent barometers by which to observe the degree of favor or disfavor at which we stand with their parents.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe