Thank God when He lays a burden on thee, and thank Him when He takes it off.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheI am very anxious to please the public, particularly as it lives and lets live.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe spectacle of Nature is always new, for she is always renewing the spectators. Life is her most exquisite invention; and death is her expert contrivance to get plenty of life.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNature! We live in her midst and know her not. She is incessantly speaking to us, but betrays not her secret. We constantly act upon her, and yet have no power over her. Variant: NATURE! We are surrounded and embraced by her: powerless to separate ourselves from her, and powerless to penetrate beyond her.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAnd step by step, along the path of life, There's nothing true but Heaven.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNo two men see the world exactly alike, and different temperaments will apply in different ways a principle that they both acknowledge. The same man will, indeed, often see and judge the same things differently on different occasions: early convictions must give way to more mature ones. Nevertheless, may not the opinions that a man holds and expresses withstand all trials, if he only remains true to himself and others?
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheBeware of dissipating your powers; strive constantly to concentrate them.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWhat am I then...? Everything that I have seen, heard, and observed I have collected and exploited. My works have been nourished by countless different individuals, by innocent and wise ones, people of intelligence and dunces. Childhood, maturity and old age all have brought me their thoughts....their perspectives on life. I have often reaped what others have sowed. My work is the work of a collective being that bears the name Goethe.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf we meet someone who owes us a debt of gratitude, we remember the fact at once. How often we can meet someone to whom we owe a debt of gratitude without thinking about it at all!
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheMust it ever be thus-that the source of our happiness must also be the fountain of our misery? The full and ardent sentiment which animated my heart with the love of nature, overwhelming me with a torrent of delight, and which brought all paradise before me, has now become an insupportable torment, a demon which perpetually pursues and harrasses me.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf society gives up the right to impose the death penalty, then self-help will appear again and personal vendettas will be around the corner.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere is no past we can bring back by longing for it. There is only an eternal now that builds and creates out of the past something new and better.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDoesn't surprise me that Christ our Lord preferred to live with whores and sinners, seeing I go in for that myself.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHappy is it, indeed, for me that my heart is capable of feeling the same simple and innocent pleasure as the peasant whose table is covered with food of his own rearing, and who not only enjoys his meal, but remembers with delight the happy days and sunny mornings when he planted it, the soft evenings when he watered it, and the pleasure he experienced in watching its daily growth.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheSomeone criticized an elderly man for wooing young women. He replied that that was the only way to rejuvenation, which was, afterall, everybody's wish.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHigher aims are in themselves more valuable, even if unfulfilled, than lower ones quite attained.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHe who would reproach an author for obscurity should look into his own mind to see whether it is quite clear there. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere is nothing in the world more pitiable than an irresolute man, oscillating between two feelings, who would willingly unite the two and who does not perceive that nothing can unite them
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAssuredly there is no more lovely worship of God than that for which no image is required, but which springs up in our breast spontaneously when nature speaks to the soul, and the soul speaks to nature face to face.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIt is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheBeauty is a primeval phenomenon, which itself never makes its appearance, but the reflection of which is visible in a thousand different utterances of the creative mind, and is as various as nature herself.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheA lot of people do not care about your money until nearly penniless. They also do so with time
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheLord Byron is only great as a poet; as soon as he reflects he is a child.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThere are people who make no mistakes because they never wish to do anything worth doing.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe