How many kings are governed by their ministers, how many ministers by their secretaries? Who, in such cases, is really the chief?
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheNone are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheSomeday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and the we'll need no other light.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTruth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe more one knows, the more one comprehends, the more one realizes that everything turns in a circle.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe works of Lavoisier and his associates operated upon many of us at that time like the Sun's rising after a night of moonshine: but Chemistry is now betrothed to the Mathematics, and is in consequence grown somewhat shy of her former admirers.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThose who have no hope for a future life are already dead for the present one.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEven though the world as a whole progresses, youth must always start again from the beginning, and as individuals go through the epochs of the world's culture.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheAll truths are old, and all that we have to do is recognize and utter them anew.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe phrases that men hear or repeat continually, end by becoming convictions and ossify the organs of intelligence.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWood burns because it has the proper stuff in it; and a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheArt is based on a strong sentiment of religion,--on a profound and mighty earnestness; hence it is so prone to co-operate with religion.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIt seems to never occur to fools that merit and good fortune are closely united.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWhat I possess I would gladly retain. Change amuses the mind, yet scarcely profits.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheHow to please the public - that's the test, But nowadays I find I'm in a fix; I know they're not accustomed to the best, But they've all read so much they know the tricks. How can we give then something fresh and new That's serious, but entertaining too?
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDo people conform to the instructions of us old ones? Each thinks he must know best about himself, and thus many are lost entirely.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheIf children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheObjects in pictures should so be arranged as by their very position to tell their own story.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWe often feel that we lack something, and seem to see that very quality in someone else, promptly attributing all our own qualities to him too, and a kind of ideal contentment as well. And so the happy mortal is a model of complete perfection--which we have ourselves created.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheKnow'st thou yesterday, its aim and reason? Work'st thou will today for worthier things? Then calmly wait the morrow's hidden season, And fear thou not, what hap soe'er it brings
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTrue love is love that stays constant for ever, whatever it's fortune; whether requited or scored, filled or sent empty away.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThis is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTranslators can be considered as busy matchmakers who praise as extremely desirable a half-veiled beauty. They arouse an irresistible yearning for the original.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe