Ambition is one of the ungovernable passions of the human heart. The love of power is insatiable and uncontrollable.
John AdamsIt is much easier to pull down a government, in such a conjuncture of affairs as we have seen, than to build up, at such a season as the present.
John AdamsTacitus appears to have been as great an enthusiast as Petrarch for the revival of the republic and universal empire. He has exerted the vengeance of history upon the emperors, but has veiled the conspiracies against them, and the incorrigible corruption of the people which probably provoked their most atrocious cruelties. Tyranny can scarcely be practised upon a virtuous and wise people.
John AdamsA taste for literature and a turn for business, united in the same person, never fails to make a great man.
John Adams