Question Period is not part of the legislative process,and has nothing to do with it. It is a means of monitoring the Executive that the Government cannot evade.
John Allen FraserOn a craggy bluff above the majestic Ottawa River stands the remarkable embodiment of our system of governance: Parliament.
John Allen FraserFor two years now, my office has had the honour and the privilege of sponsoring seminars on the functioning of government in this country for Eastern Europeans. These seminars and exchanges have brought together representatives from such nations as Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech and Slovak Republic, Roumania, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Ukraine, all of them anxious to learn what makes a society as diverse as Canada work and how our institutions make it governable.
John Allen FraserA careful and sympathetic sense of humour can also be a great asset when there is need to get out of difficult situations gracefully.
John Allen Fraser