We are all citizens of one world, we are all of one blood. To hate people because they were born in another country, because they speak a different language, or because they take a different view on this subject or that, is a great folly. Desist, I implore you, for we are all equally human. . . . Let us have but one end in view: the welfare of humanity.
John Amos ComeniusLet the main object... to seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners learn more.
John Amos ComeniusThree things give the student the possibility of surpassing his teacher: ask a lot of questions, remember the answers, teach.
John Amos ComeniusFor more than a hundred years much complaint has been made of the unmethodical way in which schools are conducted, but it is only within the last thirty that any serious attempt has been made to find a remedy for this state of things. And with what result? Schools remain exactly as they were.
John Amos Comenius