Finally it may be said that the temple endowment is not secret. All who meet the requirements for entrance to the temple may enjoy it.
John Andreas WidtsoeTrue freedom, which is full joy, is the complete recognition of law and adaptation to it. Bondage comes from ignorance of law or opposition to it.
John Andreas WidtsoeThe essential thought must ever be that a man does not, except in his spiritual infancy, accept a statement merely because the Church or someone in authority declares it correct, but because, under mature examination, it is found to be true and right and worthwhile.
John Andreas WidtsoeThat which is true must always remain true, though the applications may change greatly from generation to generation. It is the absence of such fundamental certainties, no doubt, that leads men into continual search for a satisfying religion, or that drives them away from their old religion.
John Andreas Widtsoe