Leaders select noble objectives and pursue them with such intensity that others join them. ... The greatest of all leaders from this perspective was Jesus Christ. ....May your choices be so powerful and magnetic that you'll draw people toward life (Duet. 30:19, ...therefore choose life.-) rather than death, blessing rather than cursing.
John AshcroftAll of us want to have meaning in our lives and want to feel like we're doing something that makes a difference. I believe we're doing that in the Justice Department.
John AshcroftWe must embrace the power of faith, but we must never confuse politics and piety. For me, may I say that it is against my religion to impose my religion.
John AshcroftCivilized people - Muslims, Christians and Jews - all understand that the source of freedom and human dignity is the Creator.
John AshcroftIf America is to be great in the future, it will be if we understand that our source is not civic and temporal, but our source is godly and eternal.
John AshcroftEvery medium by which people communicate can be subject to exploitation by those with illegal intentions. Nevertheless, this is no reason to hand Big Brother the keys to unlock our e-mail diaries, open our ATM records, read our medical records, or translate our international communications.
John Ashcroft