I am frustrated by celebrities who decide to write children's books because they think it's easy. That drives me crazy. It's frustrating because it's unfair to children. Because they'll get a lot of attention, they'll get a lot of marketing budget and so on just because they're a celebrity - the Madonnas, the Ricky Gervaises, the Russell Brands.
John BoyneBruno: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?
John Boyne(J)ust because your version of normal isn't the same as someone else's version doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you.
John BoyneJust because a man glances up at the sky at night does not make him an astronomer, you know.
John BoyneBruno opened his eyes in wonder at the things he saw. In his imagination he had tough that all the huts were full of happy families, some of whom sat outside on rocking chairs in the evening and told stories about how things were so much better when they were children and they'd had nowadays. He thought that all the boys and girls who lived there would be in different groups, playing tennis or football, skipping and drawing out squares for hopscotch on the ground. As it turned out, all the things he thought might be there-wern't.'' -The boy in the striped Pajamas
John Boyne