In fairness to the [Donald] Trump people, if you look at the most recent numbers, they're actually doing well in Ohio, winning, winning in a lot of polls in Florida, and now Pennsylvania and Michigan have both tightened. They're not ahead, but they have tightened. And that's a good trend.
John BrabenderTo me, the logical path then is where could have [Mitt] Romney maybe have won and didn't? And you look at Ohio, Florida. You're still not there. Now you have got to win either Pennsylvania or Michigan. And I think Pennsylvania is probably a little bit more doable than Michigan, but, again, neither one of those states have the Republicans won since 1988.
John BrabenderI agree with Bill [Burton]. I agree with the pastor. I don't think Donald Trump has to be out there making the case against Hillary Clinton. I think people have known her 24 years. How you feel about her, you feel about her.
John BrabenderIn a state like Pennsylvania, the paradox is, to win, you have to get the conservative Democrats in the west, but you still have to do well with the collar-county moderates in the east. [Mitt] Romney did fine with the moderates, but not the conservative Democrats. Trump is doing well with the conservative Democrats. Now Trump has to seal the deal with the moderates in the east.
John Brabender