Man indeed is the most noble, by creation, of all the creatures in the visible World; but by sin he has made himself the most ignoble.
John BunyanEvery time you have with your mouth said well of godliness, and yet gone on in wickedness; or every time you have condemned sin in others, and yet have not refrained it yourselves; I say, every such word and conclusion that hath passed out of thy mouth, sinner, it shall be as a witness against thee in the day of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
John BunyanFor to speak the truth, there are but few that care thus to spend their time, but choose rather to be speaking of things to no profit.
John BunyanTake heed of driving so hard after this world, as to hinder thyself and family from those duties towards God, which thou art by grace obliged to; as private prayer, reading the scriptures, and Christian conference. It is a base thing for men so to spend themselves and families after this world, as that they disengage their heart to God's worship.
John Bunyan