Men had suddenly become a scarce commodity, if not quite as sought after as rice.
John Burnham SchwartzThe Jaguar's Children is a beautifully rendered lament for an imperiled culture and the brave lives that would preserve it. You should read it.
John Burnham SchwartzThere's no backward and no forward, no day other than this. You fill your cart as you go, and that's that.
John Burnham SchwartzA girl never can predict who might wander into her boudoir during a bubble bath.
John Burnham SchwartzIt is one thing to recognise certain potentially useful affinities, and another to act on them.
John Burnham SchwartzAnyone who loved Tuesdays with Morrie should delight in reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Mitch Albom has populated his larger-than-life tale with memorable characters and filled it with the abundant warmth and wisdom that we've come to expect from this gifted storyteller.
John Burnham Schwartz