You know the rule of 72, divide the number into 72, any number you want, and that's how long it will take your money to double.
John C. BogleThe transfer of Wall Street from private ownership to public ownership has been a big step backward.
John C. BogleSpeculation leads you the wrong way. It allows you to put your emotions first, whereas investment gets emotions out of the picture.
John C. BogleWe are facing incredible challenges in the economy of the U.S. and the economy of the globe, but the stock market, we never know whether it's over-discounted or under-discounted or got exactly right its anticipation.
John C. BogleWe need to reorganize our entire system of retirement plan investing and to develop federal standards of fiduciary duty for pension trustees and fund managers. These require "top down" intervention. But we also need investors to look after their own economic interests, a bottom up approach to our problems that is well within our individual power to undertake.
John C. Bogle