It is a sign of a perverse and treacherous disposition to wound the good name of another, when he has no opportunity of defending himself.
John CalvinWhoever shall now contend that it is unjust to put heretics and blasphemers to death will knowingly and willingly incur their very guilt.
John CalvinOur true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the holy scriptures have delivered.
John CalvinThere are sons of God who do not yet appear so to us, but now do so to God; and there are those who, on account of some arrogated or temporal grace, are called so by us, but are not so to God.
John CalvinLet this point therefore stand: that those whom the Holy Spirit has inwardly taught truly rest upon Scripture, and that Scripture itself is self-authenticated. . . . Therefore, illumined by his power, we believe neither by our own nor by any one else's judgment that Scripture is from God; but above human judgment we affirm with utter certainty (just as if we were gazing upon the majesty of God himself) that it has flowed to us from the very mouth of God by the ministry of men.
John Calvin