Science exists, moreover, only as a journey toward troth. Stifle dissent and you end that journey.
John Charles PolanyiDiscoveries that are anticipated are seldom the most valuable. ... It's the scientist free to pilot his vessel across hidden shoals into open seas who gives the best value.
John Charles PolanyiReality is no less precious if it presents itself to someone else. All are discoverers, and if we disenfranchise any, all suffer.
John Charles PolanyiScience is an enterprise that can only flourish if it puts the truth ahead of nationality, ethnicity, class and color.
John Charles PolanyiI knew, however, that it would cost ten times what I had available in order to build a molecular beam machine. I decided to follow a byway, rather than the highway. It is a procedure I have subsequently recommended to beginning scientists in this country, where research strategy is best modelled on that used by Wolfe at the Plains of Abraham.
John Charles Polanyi