Some things which are remote in space and time from a living creature, especially a human creature, may form his environment even more truly than some of the things close to him.
John DeweyA being whose activities are associated with others has a social environment. What he does and what he can do depend upon the expectations, demands, approvals, and condemnations of others.
John DeweyThe acquisition however perfectly of skills is not an end in itself. They are things to be put to use as a contribution to a common and shared life.
John DeweyI know that there are many persons to whom it seems derogatory to link a body of philosophic ideas to the social life and cultureof their epoch. They seem to accept a dogma of immaculate conception of philosophical systems.
John DeweyReligions have been universal in the sense that all the people we know anything about have had a religion. But the differences among them are so great and so shocking that any common element that can be extracted is meaningless.... The older apologists for Christianity seem to have been better advised than some modern ones in condemning every religion but one as an impostor, as at bottom some kind of demon worship or at any rate a superstitious figment.
John Dewey