The difference between the reason of man and the instinct of the beast is this, that the beast does but know, but the man knows that he knows.
John DonneGoe and catche a falling starre, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me, where all past yeares are, Or who cleft the Divel's foot. Teach me to hear Mermaides' singing, Or to keep of envies stinging, And finde What winde Serves to advance an honest minde.
John DonneAs God loves a cheerful giver, so he also loves a cheerful taker. Who takes hold of his gifts with a glad heart.
John DonneMy face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest; Where can we find two better hemispheres, Without sharp north, without declining west? Whatever dies, was not mix'd equally; If our two loves be one, or, thou and I Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.
John Donne