Desire, both the whispers and the shouts, is the map we have been given to find the only life worth living.
John EldredgeGod endowed you with a glory when he created you, a glory so deep and mythic that all creation pales in comparison.
John EldredgeContentment can only happen as we increase desire, let it run itself out towar its fulfilment, and carry us along with it.
John Eldredgesomehow we have overlooked the fact this treasured called the heart can also be broken, has been broken, and now lies in pieces down under the surface. When it comes to habits we cannot quit or patterns we cannot stop, anger that flies out of nowhere, fears we cannot overcome, or weaknesses we hate to admit--much of what troubles us comes out of the broken places in our hearts crying out for relief. Jesus speaks as if we are all brokenhearted. We would do well to trust His perspective on this.
John Eldredge