Mulberry Garden, now the only place of refreshment about the town for persons of the best quality to be exceeding cheated at.
John EvelynThe gardener's work is never at at end; it begins with the year, and continues to the next: he prepares the ground, and then he sows it; after that he plants, and then he gathers the fruits.
John EvelynA gardener's work is never at an end; it begins with the year and continues to the next.
John EvelynThe Hellish and dismal cloud of...Coal...perpetually imminent over (London) ...that her inhabitants breathe nothing but impure and thick mist...corrupting the lungs and disordering the entire habit of their bodies; so the Catarrhs,...Cough, and Consumption, range more in this one City, than in the whole Earth besides.
John Evelyn