I'll be getting you for this,' Halt had told him as he dabbed the diguisting mixture on the worst of the cuts. 'That soot is filthy. I'll probably come down with half a dozen infections.' Probably,' Horace had replied, distracted by his task. 'But we'll only need you for today.' Which was not a very comforting thought for Halt.
John FlanaganYou may believe you're an excellent rider," he called, "but there are a score of Temujai back there who actually are.
John FlanaganAh, Signor Halt,' he said uncertainly, 'you are making a joke, yes?' 'He is making a joke, no,' Will said. 'But he likes to think he is making a joke, yes.
John FlanaganFace your fears, Halt had always thought him, and more often than not they fade like mist in the sunshine
John Flanagan