Compare yourself not to others, but only to the vision you hold within your heart. Dedicate your life to a cause greater than yourself and watch you get beyond yourself. The very thing that someone told you that you would never be able to do may just be the very thing you are destined to do.
John Frederick DemartiniIf you don't have a cause bigger than yourself, you won't get beyond yourself.
John Frederick DemartiniIf you look really carefully, when it comes to the Secret, the power or our mind, the power of our intention in our daily lives, it's all around us. All we gotta do is open our eyes and look.
John Frederick DemartiniWisdom is looking back at your life and realising that every single event, person, place and idea was part of the perfected experience you needed to build your dream. Not one was a mistake.
John Frederick DemartiniI have found that the people in South Africa are fabulous. Thy are receptive and value fulfilling their lives. They are highly spirited and have dreams and desires to serve. I have learned how resourceful and efficient many people are able to live and how creative they can be and how much love they have for the families and extended loved ones. I love the spirit of South Africans.
John Frederick Demartini