Enclosure, upon its completion, was the record which represented the achievement of all the musical goals I had been aiming at for the previous 5 years. It was recorded simultaneously with Black Knights' Medieval Chamber, and as different as the two albums appear to be, they represent one investigative creative thought process. What I learned from one fed directly into the other. Enclosure is presently my last word on the musical statement which began with PBX.
John FruscianteItโs, itโs like Iโm in the fourth dimension and somebody is asking me to describe it verbally and thatโs what the fourth dimension is all about, is no words, no symbols, no images, all pure, real energy and vibrations. And, and if I thought about how cruel of a world this is, I would probably just commit suicide after a while, if that was what I spent my energy thinking about. I would definitely not have any strength left to create music.
John FruscianteI think you get people taking things to excess in all fields, doctors, lawyers - -it happens to all kinds of people.
John FruscianteThe main thing experience has taught me is that one has to sort of hone their relationship to time, you know.
John Frusciante