There have been brilliant satires about the tax bureaucracy before, from the Beatles song ‘The Taxman’ to the film ‘Harry’s War,’ but in some ways Jim Greenfield’s The Taxman Cometh outdoes them all. His tale of a little guy who can’t take it anymore is both compelling and timely, given the tax scandals we read about in Washington almost every day.
John FundI think Democrats often hold the unconstrained vision, and Republicans focus more on the Rule of Law.
John FundOne Blue Dog Democratic House Member reminded me earlier this month of the saying that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' He wondered if his fellow Members weren't more in need of advice from psychiatrists than from economists at this point.
John FundOne thing members of Congress need to realize is how much their reliance on staffers is hurting the institution and helping make it unaccountable.
John FundThe RNC was run so badly you could walk through their deepest competence and not get your ankles wet.
John Fund