One does have to learn to travel with a degree of humility and that reflected in writing and personality.
John GimletteI was writing the Paraguay book, a Paragauyan told me that only five thousand people in Paraguay read.
John GimletteBuenos Aires is my favorite city. I think it's fantastic - but is a troubled, sort of psychologically troubled city.
John GimlettePeople my age and younger do think much more towards Europe. We have to fill the gap sometime - we can't think we are an empire any longer after all.
John GimletteBenedict Allen gives you the impression that he hasn't done any research at all, and I am sure he has. And when he is off doing his ice dogs and that sort of thing - and therefore its not only an exploration of the place but also his imagination in a sense. It's very successful as technique.
John Gimlette