You have to convince the adults that if a child is to learn his culture, he or she will have to see his mother and father reading about it, and explaining it to him. Then it gets a legitimacy it otherwise would never have. Until then, his learning is limited.
John Henrik ClarkeMan's attitude towards the universe and his opinion of the universe predates the scientific probe of the universe.
John Henrik ClarkeSome of us say, "Lord knows how much I can bear". I think you can assume that you can bear more than you have a right to bear.
John Henrik ClarkeI am a nationalist, and a Pan-Africanist, first and foremost. I was well grounded in history before ever taking a history course. I did not spend much formal time in school - I had to work.
John Henrik ClarkeWe have different levels of slavery. We've got educational slavery. All the major religions of the world, even Christianity and Islam, are engaged in some form of servitude of people. I don't look favorably on either one although I think properly practiced all religions are basically good.
John Henrik Clarke