Darkling I listen; and, for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Called him soft names in many a muse' d rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath; Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy!
John KeatsSo rainbow-sided, touch'd with miseries, She seem'd, at once, some penanced lady elf, Some demon's mistress, or the demon's self.
John KeatsI am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heartโs affections and the truth of the Imagination โ What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth โ whether it existed before or not โ for I have the same Idea of all our Passions as of Love they are all in their sublime, creative of essential Beauty . . .
John Keats