Leaving New Orleans also frightened me considerably. Outside of the city limits the heart of darkness, the true wasteland begins.
John Kennedy TooleCanned food is a perversion,' Ignatius said. 'I suspect that it is ultimately very damaging to the soul.
John Kennedy Toolewith the breakdown of the medieval system, the gods of chaos, lunacy, and bad taste gained ascendancy.
John Kennedy TooleIt's not your fate to be well treated," Ignatius cried. "You're an overt masochist. Nice treatment will confuse and destroy you.
John Kennedy TooleBetween notes, he had contemplated means of destroying Myrna Minkoff but had reached no satisfactory conclusion. His most promising scheme had involved getting a book on munitions from the library, constructing a bomb, and mailing it in plain paper to Myrna. Then he remembered that his library card had been revoked.
John Kennedy Toole