This is a world inhabited not by people who have to be persuaded to believe but by people who want an excuse to believe.
John Kenneth GalbraithNo hungry man who is also sober can be persuaded to use his last dollar for anything but food.
John Kenneth GalbraithTechnology, under all circumstances, leads to planning; in its higher manifestations it may put the problems of planning beyond the reach of the industrial firm. Technological compulsions, and not ideology or political will, will require the firm to seek the help and protection of the state.
John Kenneth GalbraithIn central banking as in diplomacy, style, conservative tailoring, and an easy association with the affluent count greatly and results far much less.
John Kenneth GalbraithThe traveler to the United States will do wellto prepare himself for the class-consciousness of the natives. This differs from the already familiar English version in being more extreme and based more firmly on the conviction that the class to which the speaker belongs is inherently superior to all others.
John Kenneth Galbraith