I used to watch nature shows and laugh at them. Everyone thought I was crazy. "Why are you laughing at a nature show?" Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it beautiful watching hyenas eat their young? This was crazy! What's beautiful about nature is just insane. A bunch of crazy stuff happening.
John KricfalusiSchools are really bad now. Schools are not only bad in reading, writing and arithmetic, they're worse in cultural aspects, like in music and art. They don't teach you anything.
John KricfalusiThere are artists who are writers, but there was no such thing as cartoons that were written by somebody who couldn't draw.
John KricfalusiAs soon as I found out how compartmentalized the industry was, I realized, Well, no wonder the cartoons are so bad.
John KricfalusiI think we are destroying the minds of America and that has been one of my lifelong ambitions.
John Kricfalusi