Young people can understand, and must understand, that we had success, we had failures, but we never gave up. We never gave in. We never became bitter. We didn't hate. We continued to press on. And that's what we're saying: There are some ups, there are some downs, and when you're not down, you must have the capacity and the ability to get up and keep going.
John LewisI think [James Comey] should take a hard look at what he has done. And I think it would not be a bad thing for the American people if he did step down.
John LewisRaces don't fall in love, genders don't fall in love: Individuals fall in love. We all should be free to marry the person that we love.
John LewisSome people know Rosa Parks, they know Daisy Bates in Arkansas, but every... Ruby Doris Smith, Diane Nash, countless individuals.
John LewisIf you're not hopeful and optimistic, then you just give up. You have to take that long hard look and just believe that if your consistent, you will succeed
John Lewis