Young people can understand, and must understand, that we had success, we had failures, but we never gave up. We never gave in. We never became bitter. We didn't hate. We continued to press on. And that's what we're saying: There are some ups, there are some downs, and when you're not down, you must have the capacity and the ability to get up and keep going.
John LewisDonald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii.
John LewisWe're not questioning the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. You didn't have Republicans questioning whether or not [Barack] Obama legitimately beat John McCain in 2008.
John LewisI want [Donald] Trump to send out a tweet saying that he's going to keep his campaign promises.
John LewisThe vast majority of the American people agree with me and many others. You don't simply repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. Republicans have had six years to come up with a replacement. They got nothing.
John Lewis