Investing is an activity of forecasting the yield over the life of the asset; speculation is the activity of forecasting the psychology of the market.
John Maynard KeynesHow can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeois and the intelligentsia who, with whatever faults, are the quality in life and surely carry the seeds of all human advancement?
John Maynard KeynesThe key to selecting the winner isn't choosing the face you think is the most beautiful but rather the face other people will pick
John Maynard KeynesThe biggest problem is not to let people accept new ideas, but to let them forget the old ones.
John Maynard KeynesThus, the weight of my criticism is directed against the inadequacy of the theoretical foundations of the laissez-faire doctrine upon which I was brought up and for many years I taught
John Maynard Keynes...By combining a popular hatred of the class of entrepreneurs with the blow already given to social security by the violent and arbitrary disturbance of contract,... governments are fast rendering impossible a continuance of the social and economic order of the nineteenth century.
John Maynard Keynes