There is many a thing which the world calls disappointment; but there is no such thing in the dictionary of faith. What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the will of God.
John NewtonI am still in the land of the dying; I shall be in the land of the living soon. (his last words)
John NewtonAmazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now i see.
John NewtonThrough many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
John NewtonIf two angels were to receive at the same moment a commission from God, one to go down and rule earthโs grandest empire, the other to go and sweep the streets of its meanest village, it would be a matter of entire indifference to each which service fell to his lot, the post of ruler or the post of scavenger; for the joy of the angels lies only in obedience to Godโs will, and with equal joy they would lift a Lazarus in his rags to Abrahamโs bosom, or be a chariot of fire to carry an Elijah home.
John Newton