The Law was given by Moses; the moral law, to discover the extent and abounding sin; the ceremonial law, to point out, by typical sacrifices and ablutions, the way in which forgiveness was to be sought and obtained. But grace, to relieve us from the condemnation of the one, and truth answerable to the types and shadows of the other, came by Jesus Christ.
John NewtonThere is many a thing which the world calls disappointment; but there is no such thing in the dictionary of faith. What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the will of God.
John NewtonA minister full of comforts & free from failings as an angel, though he would be happy, wouldn't be a good or useful preacher
John NewtonThere are many who stumble in the noon-day, not for want of light, but for want of eyes.
John NewtonAll shall work together for good; everything is needful that He sends; nothing can be needful that He withholds.
John NewtonWe have no clear ideas of the agency of [demonic] spirits, nor is it necessary. The Scripture says little to satisfy our curiosity; but tells us plainly that he is always watching us, and desiring to sift us as wheat. I believe we give him no more than his due, when we charge him with having a hand in all our sins. I believe he cuts us all out abundance of work.
John Newton